I was reluctant to post this information in this thread because of being O/T to the main subject, but after some thought and as you have asked about Liver Cleansing I thought this info' would be of much help.
The article is written by a very well respected Natural Health writer who has a huge amount of knowledge in alternatives, so this info' is for those who would wish to undergo a pre-fast Liver/gallbladder/kidney cleanse.
For those who are quite toxic (and I suspect that includes most of us) this will accelerate the cleansing of these vital organs and leave those organs relatively clean prior to a fast, leaving the body with less work/cleansing to do during the fast itself.
For old-timers like me who do not suffer from toxemia then this would be largely irrelevant, but for the novice faster, or those who are new to fasting, it could prove to be an invaluable aid in having a head-start prior to commencing a fast.................................
In consecutive order................. http://www.jonbarron.org/baseline-health-program/2010-01-11-healing-the-liver...