Re: Ph balance - Candida
>>"After months and months on the net, i have come to the conclusion that chronic use of Antibiotics + elevated worry and stress, have created an environment in my body where Candida did thrive, and as a result, Candida made sure to do its job, which mainly is making the body sick by reducing the amount of oxygen wherever it spreads."<<
I would come to that conclusion too...
>>"Now, the acid-alkaline diet is supposed to address that, because according to the theory, the more alkaline a tissue/cell is, the more oxygen it is able to carry."<<
The diet and focus addresses your terrain... however, it can take a long time to erradicate a systemic Candida infection with the alkaline/acid "diet" focus alone.
>>"However, i have become worried, because after 7 months my results have been minimal,if any, and i have also had relapses too for reason unknown..."<<
We are all different... just due to the fact that we live under different environmental and dietary conditions...
The protocol here adds a few things to the "diet" that may help you greatly IF, you stick to the alkaline/acid dietary focus (without a terrain change, any remediation attempt will fail long term)... and insure the best quality foods you can find.
1. Lecithin - ensure non-GMO and organic if possible... I am looking for a good egg lecithin product.
2. A good raw milk or whole sweet whey for many things, but also for lactoferrin - you may find that with the addition of a lactoferrin supplement, you will realize faster results.
3. Probiotics... 8 billion count, or more. can be taken right after or between every meal on an empty stomach (benefits may vary dependent upon when you take them) - must contain both lactobacillus (small intestines) and bifidus (colon) strains. If your condition is really poor, you may find benefit by increasing doses into the 100s of billion... custom probiotics has been a recommended product, as has LB17... VSL#3 seems to also be highly recommended and their strongest product, 900 billion per dose, is prescription only.
Raw milk can serve as a good probiotic too... perhaps not as potent as you may need though.
Note the dosing on the prescription product... THEY know these things (colitis, ileal pouch, IBS, etc.) take huge amounts of probiotics to turn them around. In severe cases the dosing for the 900 billion product can be as high as 6 a day... 5.4 trillion organisms a day.
Using something along the lines of an 8 billion count product may be too weak for you initially... but will work over time too.
Alternatively, or perhaps additionally, at least initially and then ongoing as a dietary source of probiotics after remediation of your symptoms, you could add things like home made, naturally fermented products like kefir, yogurt, kombucha, fermented vegetables, real sour dough breads, etc.
NOTE: if you choose to take a lactoferrin supplement, and/or, high dose on probiotics, and/or eat things like home cultured/fermented foods, I suggest you be prepared for a few days of adjustment as you will experience bloating and gas initially.
Also note that in newborns, it can take up to a year for the intestinal flora to stabalize... if you have been using antibiotics... this could be your case as well... essentially starting over from scratch... so you must give it time... and/or bite the bullet and get into the high doses for 3 to 4 weeks initially (this seems to be the length of time needed for the prescription product at anything over 1 dose a day), then tapering off to one dose a day... or moving to a weaker product and perhaps three doses a day as needed.
Home ferments could replace the probiotic products altogether if daily practiced and once your issues are resolved... cutting cost to essentially the cost of your foods and time.
Before modern food and drink preservation methods, pasturization, sterilization, and refrigeration, most all foods, aside from meats which were salted, smoked, and dried that were to be stored for any length of time were "wild" fermented and cultured... people with access to this abundance of food were likely getting trillions of these organisms daily.
Beer and wine were ferments too... before pasteurization came along and destroyed the natural benefits of these beverages.
I hypothesize that these ferments and cultures made a huge difference between the European's and the Native American's immune systems in terms of disease resistance - not to mention previous European exposure that would trigger the microflora and immune system in the body to produce antibodies... and one reason why the Europeans were so easily able to spread diseases to kill off Native Americans.
About the only ferments I remember reading on the Native Americans, both north and south were some mead like drinks... if anyone has additional information on this, I would appreciate it.