Ph balance - Candida
hi all,
i am new to the curezone forum. been reading a lot
on the posts. i thought all my problems were due to being
very acidic so i did the acid-alkaline diet for quite
some time. The Outcome? in the past 7 months, little :(
it would take a whole post to mention what i have (after, like many on CZ i imagine, visiting i don't know how many doctors and doing i don't even remember how many ok tests..) so
basically i would say that i have about 95-100% of ALL
Candida symptoms (for a man)
in those months i have raised my Saliva Ph
from about 6 to now about 7 or maybe 7.2. My urine Ph remains
low at about 5.5 all the time though... i don't know what this means. Could someone shed some light on this?
After months and months on the net, i have come to the conclusion that chronic use of Antibiotics + elevated worry and stress, have created an environment in my body where Candida did thrive, and as a result, Candida made sure to do its job, which mainly is making the body sick by reducing the amount of oxygen wherever it spreads. Now, the acid-alkaline diet is supposed to address that, because according to the theory, the more alkaline a tissue/cell is, the more oxygen it is able to carry. However, i have become worried, because after 7 months my results have been minimal,if any, and i have also had relapses too for reason unknown...
Any advice/input on the above, would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.