15 y
Re: The tunnel experience in the NDE
be one of those who shows ghosts and other wandering fragmented people to the
Light--that is good to tell about in a palace, mead hall, highland pub, or the
lonely cold halls of modern cyberpalaces. The roses die on the thistled good known only to God/yah? Oh, Love, who kisses and loves the thorns
themselves and scatters the browned petals in the north winds, send us souls who
awaken our numbed souls."
I've been in cyber space since it was born (started programming computers more
than 40 years ago), but that was the first time I've ever mentioned a little of
what I do in that area. My family knows, and those who trained me
know. I was a total doubter until I was told more than 30 years ago that I
was spirit - not my body. I learned meditation first and soon discovered
things happening that were not body experiences. In fact, even before the
self-discovery as spirit (one must experience one's self as spirit - books don't
really help) I discovered people who were doing hands on "healing"
(not body level or religious either) and it was working for me, but I always had
to run to someone else for help. I eventually found that I could help
myself - and eventually others too. Everyone has that ability.
remember the Great Depression and the world before cell phones, TV, hydromatic
(the first automatic transmission, for the uninformed) and many many other
things. Even remember visiting a relative in rural Kentucky who still had
a telephone with a handle and an 8 party line where when you cranked the phone
everyone on the party line would listen. Anyway, not to long ago my son
asked me "What would it be like if we had another depression?"
My response was along the lines of "...does that mean people would have to
give up their iPod, or their second or third car?" I see homes in my
neighborhood with motor homes, boats, off road vehicles and many other leisure
time perks parked in their yard - and almost none of that existed in the
1930s. We are so focused on the material and what is the next techie thing
we're going to get that it is easy to forget that there is a higher purpose for
being here.