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Re: Colloidal Silver, Lobelia, and Clear Lungs

Clarkia Extra Strong
Clarkia Tincture 2 oz, 4 oz, 8 oz, and 16 oz

Clarkia Extra Strong
Clarkia Tincture 2 oz, 4 oz, 8 oz, and 16 oz

LuellaMay Views: 13,701
Published: 15 y
This is a reply to # 1,547,982

Re: Colloidal Silver, Lobelia, and Clear Lungs

Hi yoginilm,

I would suggest, not only nebulizing with colloidal silver and lobelia, but also taking colloidal silver internally.  I'm wondering whether you have an infection or allergies, but regardless, colloidal silver will help with regard to both.   Are you experiencing any congestion?  If so, there is a product called Clear Lungs that will help.  I don't know if you read the first post on this thread, but this combination literally saved my life this summer.  The best quality colloidal silver is from Utopia Silver.  By the way, when ordering products from Utopia Silver, by inserting coupon code LR001, you will receive a 15% discount if the item is not on sale.

There is nothing to using a nebulizer.  You just put it together, fill the cup half way with colloidal silver, three drops of lobelia and breathe in the steam.    Lobelia relaxes the bronchial tubes.  You can get a nebulizer at a reasonable price at Utopia Silver.  Actually, it is a nebulizer kit.  It comes with one bottle of colloidal silver, one bottle of ionic silver, and scroll down the page to order the lobelia.  You can also use the ionic silver to nebulize with but for internal use, I prefer colloidal silver.  Frankly, I have been using colloidal silver for several years, not only for myself, but for my dog Misty, and it has never failed me.  Don't forget, you can use the coupon code.  To begin with, drink two ounces daily of colloidal silver, and as you feel better, you can reduce the amount.  The normal preventative dosage is one tablespoon.  You will notice that by using this combination you will feel better in a short period of time.  Nebulize as often as you need to.  At my worst, I was nebulizing four times a day and then as I felt better, I nebulized less and less.  If you feel distress, I would do the same, start by nebulizing four times a day and then you can reduce the times by how you feel.

What's going on with the adrenal fatigue?  What are your symptoms?  Any panic attacks?  Did this just come about after your surgery?

I think I've covered everything, but if I missed something, please do not hesitate to ask.

I hope you feel better soon in all respects.

My Best,




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