Well, after spending a week in the hospital with what would be considered the best of care, the best antibiotics, breathing treatments, inhalers, and so on, I have found that the best that "medicine" has to offer cannot compare to what nature provides.
I was released, not because I was well, but because I was "out of the woods." They were happy with my breathing and lung capacity, which really was not that much to speak of. Upon returning to my daughter's, I was in a weakened state, still had trouble breathing, and felt as though two elephants were pressing upon me....... One on my chest and the other on my back. Hoping to God that I would not have a relapse and have to return.
After one full day of taking breathing treatments with colloidal silver and Lobelia, while taking Clear Lungs, my breathing is much improved. Actually, right now, it is taking almost no effort. Last night was the first night that I have slept soundly and comfortably in well over a week. And this is after only four breathing treatments throughout the day yesterday. I can tell you that I felt a difference after my very first breathing treatment. The pressure was relieved and I could actually feel air filling my lungs, almost with ease. I was nothing short of amazed. Was it too good to be true? At the end of the day, after my last breathing treatment, I was breathing comfortably, and still am. I cannot tell you the joy I feel. Breathing is a big deal. This in combination with taking Clear Lungs has helped me immensely. After one week of the hospital doing the best they could to remove the congestion, after one day of colloidal silver, Lobelia, and Clear Lungs, I am bringing up all sorts of gunk. In fact, I started expelling the congestion immediately after my first breathing treatment.
Okay....... I should have known better all along. Granted. However, I have not had a problem with asthma for many, many years and never with this severity. At its onset I was in a bit of disbelief, kind of thinking it would go away but as it progressed it suddenly became so severe that I seriously needed medical intervention. The good news is that I was given all sorts of tests, they went through me with a fine tooth comb and there is nothing seriously wrong. My gosh, I'm not even going to repeat what they were thinking.
So......... I have learned many lessons these past few weeks, the first of which is never to neglect my health. Should any health concerns arise, turn to nature...... turn to God. How effective would hospitals be if they were in the business of truly healing?
And as DQ (Tony) always says........... Since when did God become a quack?
I am walking on air............
Love to all,
The nebulizer kit complete with colloidal and ionic silver is one of the best deals going. Be sure to use the CureZone discount code of LR001 to get an extra 15% off of it and any other items not currently on sale!
What lovely wishes........ I deeply thank you.
I am improving daily and at this rate, I have no doubt that I will be returning before too very long.
You are a blessing......
Hi LuellaMay,
I realize this is an old post, but wanted to ask a question.
My mom has emphysema and has been sucking on those nasty, addictive and lung trashing inhalers(Spiriva) for years.
I had her try the CS(1/4 tsp) from purest---colloids and 2 drops of Lobelia in distilled water on a nebulizer.
She doesn't get instant relief because I think her diaphram is collapsed, but I would like to know how long it would normally take to see results and what kind of results can she expect?
Thanks in advance,
Is your mother also congested? Does she have COPD? Is she on oxygen? If her condition is serious, it may take some time. Now, you said she doesn't get "instant" relief. Does she get any relief as time goes on? Colloidal silver does repair damaged tissue. How many times a day is she nebulizing? I would suggest at least four times a day. However, if she is having difficulty catching her breath, then just put a small amount of colloidal silver in the nebulizer and take it easy. Too much colloidal silver can arrest her breathing. So the key may be "easy does it." The relief may not be immediate, but she should feel improvement as time goes on. If she is congested, I would also suggest Clear Lungs. This will help to bring up any congestion. And by using Code LR001, you will receive a 15% discount if it is not on sale.
Another suggestion would be mullein that has healing qualities aimed specifically for the lungs.
My Best,
Hi LuellaMay,
your questions:
Is your mother also congested? Does she have COPD? Is she on oxygen? If her condition is serious, it may take some time. Now, you said she doesn't get "instant" relief. Does she get any relief as time goes on? Colloidal silver does repair damaged tissue. How many times a day is she nebulizing?
I don't think she is congested.
Yes, she said she has COPD.
No, she is not on O2.
I believe her condition is getting serious due to how many years she has been sucking on the inhalers. One thing I notice is that when she eats carbs, she starts weezing. When I give her 6 drops of Lugol's 5% solution, her weezing would normally stop. Now, however, it seems to take longer for the weezing to stop.
This is only the 2nd time she has tried nebulizing with the CS and Lobelia and I know she can't expect results right away. I will have to keep on her to do it more often to see if her symptoms improve. She has not been able to breath deep for years.
Thank you very much for the 15% discount code on the Clear Lungs.
I think she will have to keep doing it more extensively before seeing some results. Do you think that 1/4tsp of the CS and 2 drops of Lobelia is a good starting amount?
Thanks again,
Hi Paraboy,
The thing is that, in the long run, inhalers further damage the lungs.
Okay........ The good news is that she is not on oxygen. One quarter of a teaspoon of colloidal silver should be fine. You may want to add three drops of lobelia instead of two. Lobelia relaxes the bronchial tubes. And see how she does. She should see results with this combination and the Clear Lungs.
What kind of carbs is she eating? Her carbs should be natural, from fruits and vegetables. Any processed foods and unrefined grains should be eliminated, as should sugar. Unhealthy foods are debilitating to the lungs and may add more mucus. Drinking plenty of fluids is also important. Drinking six to eight glasses of uncarbonated and non-caffeinated beverages will help keep the mucus to a minimum. Fruits and vegetables will also give her the fiber she needs. Another good source of fiber is brown rice. Needless to say, she should avoid sodium and fried or greasy foods.
More questions.......... Any congestive heart failure? Edema? Is she overweight? Underweight?
I would still give her the iodine supplementation and you may want to drop in the Iodine Forum for advice as to proper dosage.
My Best,
I'm with ya on everything you said.
She eats junk...
No heart, bp or blood problems, however, she does have some kind of head shaking problem like a tick.
She is just slightly over weight, but not obese.
Finally, I have gotten her off of the city water which is loaded with Fluoride.
She recently had all her upper teeth pulled and has temporary dentures which makes her eating choices limited. (all the deadly amalgams gone on top)
I just wish I could her to follow it eventhough it so obvious.
Thanks for all the details and I appreciate your time.
I think adding more Lobelia should be good and help her see some results that may motivate her more.
I do pop in on Trapper and Iodine forum, because I have seen great results using Lugol's, but I get mine made from a pharmacist since the DEA controlled its strengths for sale.
I will update as things change.
Thanks again,
Ah! If she gets rid of the junk food that alone will make her feel better. It would actually be an effortless way to lose weight as excess pounds puts an extra burden on trying to breathe. Maybe you could explain this to her.
In the meantime,I am glad that I was able to help. I also cared for my mother who had COPD, so I am very familiar with this condition. Please do keep me posted as to her progress.
My Best,
I have explained it to her many times, but maybe I can try it a different way.
Thanks again,
Sorry, haven't been back to curezone in a while--browser issues.
I really don't understand why some people, like those on curezone, will research and implement anything they find that could cure thier diseases, but most just don't care enough. They will reject it even when offered for free!
I know Paraboy, it happens to us all the time. You can lead a horse to water...............
Some have been brainwashed by their doctors and do not trust alternative healing, turning instead to drugs that will seldom correct the problem.
Others are just plain lazy and not willing to do what it takes to get well. It's easier to pop a useless pill than take the appropriate measures to get well.
Tony and I get this all the time. Even from family members aware of the strides that Tony has made and should really know better. I have watched Tony try to give advice to family members and offer them guidance. Even to the point of sharing the supplements that we have with them. Only for them to say......... Nah! and resort to mainstream medicine.
I just observe, shake my head and let out a deep sigh. It could be so easy.........
You are not alone Paraboy, we all go through it. We are familiar with this heartbreak.
My Best,
Hi yoginilm,
I would suggest, not only nebulizing with colloidal silver and lobelia, but also taking colloidal silver internally. I'm wondering whether you have an infection or allergies, but regardless, colloidal silver will help with regard to both. Are you experiencing any congestion? If so, there is a product called Clear Lungs that will help. I don't know if you read the first post on this thread, but this combination literally saved my life this summer. The best quality colloidal silver is from Utopia Silver. By the way, when ordering products from Utopia Silver, by inserting coupon code LR001, you will receive a 15% discount if the item is not on sale.
There is nothing to using a nebulizer. You just put it together, fill the cup half way with colloidal silver, three drops of lobelia and breathe in the steam. Lobelia relaxes the bronchial tubes. You can get a nebulizer at a reasonable price at Utopia Silver. Actually, it is a nebulizer kit. It comes with one bottle of colloidal silver, one bottle of ionic silver, and scroll down the page to order the lobelia. You can also use the ionic silver to nebulize with but for internal use, I prefer colloidal silver. Frankly, I have been using colloidal silver for several years, not only for myself, but for my dog Misty, and it has never failed me. Don't forget, you can use the coupon code. To begin with, drink two ounces daily of colloidal silver, and as you feel better, you can reduce the amount. The normal preventative dosage is one tablespoon. You will notice that by using this combination you will feel better in a short period of time. Nebulize as often as you need to. At my worst, I was nebulizing four times a day and then as I felt better, I nebulized less and less. If you feel distress, I would do the same, start by nebulizing four times a day and then you can reduce the times by how you feel.
What's going on with the adrenal fatigue? What are your symptoms? Any panic attacks? Did this just come about after your surgery?
I think I've covered everything, but if I missed something, please do not hesitate to ask.
I hope you feel better soon in all respects.
My Best,
Dr. Christopher's Lung Formula is a good choice. However, I would also include colloidal silver. Whether allergy or infection, I can almost guarantee that it will relieve your symptoms.
I know how adrenal fatigue can impair one's life. Been there, done that, and my heart goes out to you. Tell me, is there an emotional component or is it purely physical? Something you may want to consider is iodine supplementation. The folks at the iodine forum did a lot for me personally. Many times anxiety is the result of an iodine deficiency. You may want to drop in there and ask for advice.
My Best,
Hi Lisa Marie,
My asthma and added woes started because of an allergic reaction to the Southern California smog and the resident long haired cats. I had not brought any supplements with me (which might be the moral of this whole story) and, additionally, since I had not had asthma for about 25 years, I was hoping it would go away. Instead it got worse and it proceeded to become severe, resulting in also acquiring a viral infection.
Nebulizing with colloidal silver, lobelia, and taking clear lungs removed my congestion and illness in a week, where antibiotics, inhalers, and breathing tretments gave me virtually no relief. Besides that, I drank two ounces and more of colloidal silver daily until the infection and symptoms were cleared.
Now, myself, I don't know the intricate mechanics of how colloidal silver works, but it does strengthen the immune system in such a way that it not only makes it able to equip the body in fighting infections, but it also equips the immune system in a way that it is effective against autoimmune disorders such as allergies and it is also effective with regard to more serious autoimmune disorders.
Below are several testimonies with regard to how colloidal silver has helped individuals with allergies:
My husband heard of colloidal silver from a family member and was amazed by this wonder mineral and all it can do for us. We all take our daily dose including our daughters, ages 8 and 4. We have not had any colds or flues since taking the silver about 8 months ago and my husband has not had his allergies this season. My 8 year old had asthma and has not used her inhaler for months now! We feel great and want to share this discovery with all our loved ones.
My husband has lots of health problems 7 strokes 2 heart attacks open heart surgery has a history of allergies. He always coughed so hard in the mornings & now there is almost no coughing. The coughing has been from way back Heart problems have been the last 10 yrs. If the colloidal silver does nothing else, It is just wonderful for what it has done for my husband . I'm coping much better since taking it, too
We live in a grove of Live Oak trees and every spring, they do their pollen thing and I first get an allergic thing and then it goes to my sinuses and then to my bronchial tubes and I get sick for weeks and some times I have to go get antibiotics and sometimes even that doesn't work and green crud comes out for a long time and I cough all night . Well this year(1999), when I first felt a little something in my throat, I started putting colloidal silver down my throat, about a dropper or 2. and in an hour or so, it was gone. It felt that way in a couple hours again and I hit it again with the colloidal silver and it went away. That was a couple of weeks ago and now the pollen season is over and I can rest easy. Thank God for colloidal silver.
We live in a grove of Live Oak trees and every spring, they do their pollen thing and I first get an allergic thing and then it goes to my sinuses and then to my bronchial tubes and I get sick for weeks and some times I have to go get antibiotics and sometimes even that doesn't work and green crud comes out for a long time and I cough all night . Well this year(1999), when I first felt a little something in my throat, I started putting colloidal silver down my throat, about a dropper or 2. and in an hour or so, it was gone. It felt that way in a couple hours again and I hit it again with the colloidal silver and it went away. That was a couple of weeks ago and now the pollen season is over and I can rest easy. Thank God for colloidal silver.
By the way, I did not use iodine and mullein but I believe those would be very good additions. Personally, I don't know how much iodine to include in a nebulizer, or even if it can be done. I would suggest you ask the folks at the iodine forum and they will answer those questions.
My Best,
Thank you for that link Lisa Marie! Very interesting.
Don't be nervous nebulizing with colloidal silver. And I do suggest adding lobelia to it as it will relax your bronchial tubes. It is specifically used for respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and coughs. Let me tell you exactly what happened to me when I nebulized with this combination. Now........ That dry cough........ Is it because of trapped congestion? Regardless, you should find relief. But in my case I was severely congested and I seriously could not breathe. I acquired a new appreciation for breathing. When first inhaling the colloidal silver and lobelia it immediately triggered me to cough and I immediately started to bring that congestion up. Immediately I felt relief as my breathing passages opened. Half an hour after nebulizing I felt more relief. Now........ I did this four times a day, so do it as often as you feel necessary. If you are dealing with congestion, I also suggest the supplement Clear Lungs. This helped to completely clear me out. If you do order Clear Lungs, don't forget to use coupon code LR001 so you can get a 15% discount if it is not on sale.
Also, I no longer needed inhalers when I started nebulizing. They had given me a couple, one that contained steroids....... yuck.
Just take it easy, step-by-step, and let me know how you do.