I agree with Chrisb 1. I made the same mistake after a 23 days Water Fast couple of years ago and had big problems. I solved the problem by fasting 3 more days followed by a very long and careful fast break. The first day a 200ml glass of 50/50 diluted in water fresh juice every 2-3 hours, the second and the third days non diluted fresh juice(alternating tomato, apple, orange, carrot juice), one glass every 2-3 hours, the fourth and the fifth days go on with the juices, adding some pieces of the fruits and vegetables , carrots may be boiled a little, then you could introduce fresh vegetable and fruit salads, vegetable soup(no salt and spices). The well-done break of a fast lasts as long as the fast itself!. You have also to be VERY careful to avoid eating too much - it can be a big mistake to listen to your appetite! Good luck!