Are you familiar with The Beck protocol which uses ozone as one of its main parts?
If you can utilize the Beck protocol, this will kick things into high gear.
If you really want to ramp things up look into a highly mineralizing raw living foods diet.
Exercise with a rebounder.
Reduce toxicity in all forms.
If you do that your body's innate template will reset you in no time flat.
Lack of energy is form taxed cells. Need it return good =flow in the system ensuring that cells don't bath in toxins and that they get nutrients. Delays in these processes stress cells which in turn stresses you.
All disease is due to toxicity and lack of nutrition. This filters down into lack of flow and other problems which then bubble up as symptoms and disease.
Covering the bases with optimal nutrition (raw living foods), getting flow (cleansing and rebounding), and reducing toxicity (environmental, emotional, etc) will remove the interference that is not allowing optimal wellness. By aiding your body with what I have outlined, your body's innate wisdom will be allowed to bring balance back to you.
Things like ozone are helpers but don't address the underlying problem. Lack of nutrition and toxicity.
It is like this. If you have a stagnant swamp, you can sterilize it with ozone. You would have to repeatedly do that unless of course you got flow going again so that things wouldn't stagnate in the first place.
By all means use the ozone and create new conditions in your body.