Re: Cora the explorer.....
>>I read that before where you said ozone through the blood is the best way,
I said this? Don't recall that, but in fact it was indeed what was pointed out by the dude from whom I bought my first generator.
>>but that's not happening here anytime soon
Why not?
>>I have to tell you I got a HUGE spurt of energy and just cleaned the house! I'm still sick with a cold and had no energy (for years), but today I drank a few glasses of ozonated water and did two 10 minute treatments in my ear with a funnel and the diffuser and that's the only changes to my regime. I'm hoping this ozone (finally) is my magic bullet.
I am SO happy to hear this. Thrilled. Keep drinking that water. Question, though - what "diffuser"? Am I just being lame here?
>>I want to know the chemistry of how ozone gets through the skin, cell membranes and kills the bad guys.
Osmosis? Funny - not sure why you're so curious but let's see what H has to offer here.
You said I would like it. Did it give you energy too?
Lack of energy isn't typically my issue, kinda' the opposite. When I first started with ozone I noticed a calming effect. More recently I have had energy issues (periodic) and I do find it tends to give me a boost. I like that it (the water) makes me feel more clear, almost more "clean" on the inside.
Have you ever tried IP6? Royal jelly, bee propolis?