Re: liver flush that wont bring back candida overgrowth?
In the long run, I've found that
Liver Flushing helped with Candida and didn't promote it.
Not sure about the cravings you're getting from the
Epsom Salts but it's possible things will get worse before they get better. Did you do a good
parasite cleanse before and after the liver flush? If you don't they can intefere with having a good flush and they can also make you feel sick, etc (kind of like you are experiencing).
Epsom Salts wash both good and bad bacteria from your intestines. In the past I haven't bothered taking probiotics, but if you are concerned about it, just make sure you take good probiotic after your flush.
Liver Flushing imo is the most important part of getting rid of your fatty liver (I had one too, + a lot more). That and
parasite cleansing. If your liver isn't working, chances are you have liver flukes.