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Re: liver flush that wont bring back candida overgrowth?
stoneking Views: 6,185
Published: 16 y
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Re: liver flush that wont bring back candida overgrowth?

You're taking way too much stuff, and way too high dosages. Some forms of vitamin C, for example, like unbuffered ascorbate, can mobilize iron radicals. 3-5g is pretty much the max anyone should be taking, imho. more like 2-3 for most people, max.

What kind of omega-3? fish oils can increase liver inflammation through screwed up prostaglandin pathways. L-glutamine is a precursor to glutathione, and too much glutathione can imbalance the liver detoxification system, causing radicals = inflammation and damage. Same thing for the milk thistle, which increases glutathione.

All that other stuff has its own hazards and pitfalls, from selenium being very tricky, affecting thyroid and glutathione peroxidase, methyl-b obviously affecting methyl pathways, etc.

Who told you take all that stuff anyway? For what reason are you taking all that?

I would try to eliminate as much as possible. If you eat a good diet you probably don't need to have 90 percent of that, including the B vitamins and definitely the amino acids. I would reduce everything down to just a gram or 2 at the most of BUFFERED vitamin C (ester-C is good), maybe a small amount of co-q 10 (which most normal people don't need to supplement, unless you're a heart patient or have chronic fatigue syndrome, even then too much co-q 10 can also create radicals), and only whatever else is absolutely necessary for a specific condition that you know you have or have been diagnosed with. Taking all that stuff just because it seems like a "good idea" is crazy.

Then when you get stabilized (don't quit any of that stuff cold turkey, always taper when possible), look into coconut oil. People here have flushed with coconut oil and have had massive yeast come out like seaweed colonies. I don't know whether coconut can get stones out, but it has caprylic acid and kills fungus. You can take caprylic acid pills by the boatload and not get the effect of the coconut oil itself. That's because 90+ percent of those supplements are crap and unnatural to the body. Eliminate "supplements" wherever possible and rely on foods. The body gets what it requires from foods and herbs. Supplements are an imbalanced and unnatural way to get nutrients and just make people selling them rich.


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