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Re: Really Mercury Toxic Girl Needs Help!!

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Re: Really Mercury Toxic Girl Needs Help!!

Has she had all of her fillings removed? Don't do chelation if you still have fillings!

She can use apple cider vinegar, and Bentonite clay baths if she still has fillings. She can also do liver flushes, kidney flushes, saunas, and parasite cleanses.

Bentonite clay baths are cheap and easy. You can buy it in any healthfood store or online. I use it for foot baths. A small amount will do. You can do the Bentonite clay footbath for up to several hours if you are feeling really toxic. The water can get cold, it dosen't matter. When you are finished with the foot bath, you will have to dump the water outside because the Bentonite will coat the pipes. Some people use bentonite internally. There is a lot of information on it on the Internet.

If you have a gym membership be sure to do a dry heat sauna at least once a week. I tried Infra Red saunas, but they only made me sicker.

Apple cider vinegar is cheap and will help regulate your PH which will help you detoxify. Take several times every day. You can also take it with honey. Lots of ACV information on Curezone.

Be sure to start liver flushing. There is a lot of Liver Flush information on curezone. Use magnesium malate or chanca piederia herb, or other herbs to soften the Gallstones at least for the first few flushes. I recommend doing the "classic coke flush". The recipe is here: //
(You won't need to take the apple juice afterward.

If all of your fillings are out you can stat chelation. Don't fall for all of the expensive "wonder" chelators, like PCRx and anything zeolite based. The only two chelators that will worked consistently for me when I was extremely ill were modified citrus pectin, and the Cutler protocol.

Modified citrus pectin is not a total solution, but it helps.

Curezone has a Cutler Protocol forum. This is also a very helpful site for Cutler Protocol:



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