I've been looking for a good mercury detox also. It's so hard to tell what's effective with all the misinformation agents out there, however, Jim Carey's wife has one of the best resources out there: http://www.generationrescue.org/action.html
I'd love to get my hands on that PCA-RX, and some NCD.
TD-DMPS (not IV), looks the most promising to me, but requires a doctor's prescription. What I'd like to see is an online doctor who will scan in a subscription for TD-DMPS and send it in email for $10. He could really do the world a favor, but you know the AMA would probably knock down his door, so that's probably not going to happen. I sincerely hate any tyranical bully-system that keeps us all under it's repressive foot in the name of consumer protection. How does one fix such a situation? Personally, I'm just trying to work around it.