Re: Really Mercury Toxic Girl Needs Help!!
This is so wonderful of you to help your freind...
I am not a licensed medical practitioner. I have "only" practised on myself and I do have more great results to show for it than all the countless doctors who treated me previously for it (they diagnosed the wrong thing and only made matters worse).
I am well on my way to full recovery (please read my other posts also for background info) and all I can say is this:
***To your freind:***
DO NOT, repeat DO NOT, embark on any chelatioon protocol until you have read this book:
"Amalgam illness - Diagnosis and treatment"
by Andrew Hall Cutler PhD PE
get it here:
This is the ONLY AUTHORITATIVE SOURCE OF RELIABLE INFORMATION on mercury poisoning. The Cutler protocol is the ONLY thing which works. Anything else qualifies as a "witch doctor protocol" and can in fact KILL you in one of two ways:
- you die from the poisoning
- you kill yourself as a result of a depression.
Don't risk either outcome. GET THE BOOK AND GET WELL!
I wish you all the best.