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Re: Coconut oil is entirely MCT
AllyB Views: 3,070
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 152,106

Re: Coconut oil is entirely MCT

Okay, I'm a biochem geek. I've spent probably an hour looking up information on C12 metabolism and found something interesting - I CAN'T FIND A THING. Slightly more than half the sources I read classify C12 as an MCFA, and slightly less classify it as a LCFA. However, more "reputable" sources (educational, etc.) tend to classifcy it as an LCFA, but this proves nothing. I couldn't find a thing about whether it was hydrolysed in vivo or not.

In one Japenese study they refer to a C12 FA as being hydrolysed by a certain enzyme. That's the closest I have. :o\ Sketchysketchy.


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