473.18 - about 500 ml. it's also about 32 tablespoons x 120 calories = 3840 calories of fat at once. :-o
It's just another example of your body adapting to the conditions you put it through. My digestive system has become better at digesting large amounts of fat and my body itself has also become better at metabolizing fat (I'm sure that enzyme production has upregulated and the like.) Until I went on this cleansing/detoxification cycle, I had been on what's referred to as a CKD - cyclic ketogenic diet - for a while. It was mostly for athletic purposes. Basically, I would eat a huge amount of fat - probably 70%+ of my calories as fat - and the rest protein, with fresh/frozen fruit and non-starchy vegetables making up any carbohydrate I got. Every 2-4 days, I would 'carb-load' - literally eat hundreds of grams of carbohydrate in one or two sittings at my end of the day meals. It worked very well - I managed to get the benefits of both low carbohydrate consumption and acute high carbohydrate comsumption (muscles filled with glycogen, etc.)
I'm sure that's more than you wanted to know, but hey, we're here to learn, right? ;o)
Anyway, if you have any mayonnaise suggestions that don't involve canola or safflower oil (I've heard mixed views on safflower, but that's the kind I've been using rather than canola) let me know, because mayo in and of itself is a pretty significant part of my diet (tuna + chicken salad) and I definitely don't want soybean oil mayo... that's kind of sad, isn't it?