Hey, it's been a while but I hope you get this still. I went back to read your old message again because I have been having a lot of trouble. My gallbladder is only functioning at 20% and I'm feeling horrible. I did a Liver Flush last week and it seems to have made my nausea much worse. I had such high hopes that it would get me feeling a little better, but here I am, worse off than before. I was wondering if you could tell me what any of your symptoms (anything you can think of will help) were when you were having problems. Also, are you still taking the UDCA and how have you been feeling? I am thinking about trying it because I just don't know where else to turn. I know I don't want to have my gallbladder taken out. Did you have any side effects from the medication? My naturopath said she thought it would make me sick, but I think I have to at least try. You can either post here or if you'd like, email me directly.