Re: Moringa and phenomenal new healthy hair growth
The Moringa Stenopetala do quite well with very little water. We grow both the Moringa Oleifera and the Moringa Stenopetala. Two very different varieties. They will both survive a drought, but the Oleiferas seem to like more water than the Stenopetalas.
In the South, where we are, they seem to just thrive.
Indoors, they WILL need plant lights. Greenhouse growing up north is ok, as long as they are kept warm. The trees need a deep pot, and lots of light and warmth.
It USED to be our understanding that they could grow up to 15 feet their first year - the Oleiferas, that is. Well...some of ours have topped that, but I keep them cropped back, frequently.
Not only does Moringa appear to affect energy levels and hair color - the texture seems to be encouraged to return to an individual's childhood texture - or better.