Re: fear of releasing blocks
This is my first message in about two months. Something about your message made me have a very strong desire to post a reply so I'm not going to fight it (I'm learning).
First I wish I could hug you if you wanted a hug. When I hug my friends and family I try to be the last to let go and if they mention it, I say that I am building up my reserves and let me tell you, your message made me want to give you everything in the warehouse.
I find it very easy to be in my first chakra (I think). I don't even have to do any work and I can feel it all of the time. I have naturally big muscles in my calves in my legs so I think that has something to do with it. Anyway, I also think that I naturally do things that get me there so I don't have to work at it. I may be wrong about this stuff but it's kind of like an instinct, take it with a grain of salt, if others on the board object...frankly I'd listen to them first....but if any of this helps I'd be remiss not to share it with you....and I'm not kidding about any of this....
-Get a pedicure.
-Shoe shop but you must try them on.
-Get shoes that make a snap when you walk (you know the kind that make noise in Church....I think of it as the earth calling out to click click).
-Do not wear tight socks or any shoes that squish your toes. Any athletic shoes can be a half size larger than dress shoes so that your toes can spread out....throw out any high heels because they inhibit your first chakra from connecting to the earth).
-Walk a lot and while walking "feel" the earth under you (it's kind of like reminding yourself of the security of gravity or connection to the earth....hard to explain) also pay attention to how the terrain in your area rolls or climbs or is flat etc.
-Plant a garden (or house plants)...plant it by getting your hands dirty (take plant recommendations from a neighbor about what grows best in your area/soil type...and make a new friend in the process who is probably very "grounded" and so you can learn to recognize their first chakra and thus know more what yours looks like).
-Take a clay sculpture/pottery class. It does not matter if you create something beautiful or useable...but while you are creating, feel the it cold and smooth or wet and pliable....feel it move under the pressure of your fingers...feel it give way....allow yourself to get covered in it up to your elbows....allow yourself to scratch a tickle on your nose and leave a thin layer of clay behind....
Well I hope you get the idea.
Much peace to you Cassist.