Re: fear of releasing blocks
wow, this brings tears to my eyes, for i have been dealing with similar issues, living in my upper chakras, or my lower, never really connecting one half of my body to the other. the connection to both of them is through the HEART. the middle chakra.
love yourself and try not to feel quilty for negative emotions that do come up. there is a reason they will come up and there is also a reason for them to be naturally in balance with all others. anger for one, is a way of knowing someone has invaded your boundries. accept it. fear tells us we stand on the edge of new uncharted territory. first, allow yourself to open that door and then look in, then take a step.
it's hard to do when you're working, if you can take your work home for a while do so. you can if you work on a computer. i don't know what your exact situation is so i can't really comment too much there.
you have a good support system here, also talk to someone who is close to you, so you can have physical support if you need it. as stuff comes out, write it and burn it, throw it into the ocean in a cleansing ritual, bury it, draw it, sculpt it, dance it, cry, cuss, scream as much as you want. be creative with it. it will take time, i don't know if we are really ever completely healed...but awareness of it and time do bring resolution and peace!
love and light to you :-D