Kefir, in other words, would be "homemade yogurt" right? My parents, coincidentally.. have been making "homemade yogurt" in which they pour milk into a glass, and place a very rare Tibet mushroom inside and let it ferment at room temperature for 24 hours. And then it is apparently good to drink for good bacteria. Is that anything like the kefir you are thinking about?
Also, is the oat gran anything like FOS? Will it feed the Klebsiella as well as the good bacteria? How does it isolate?
And yucca root, I will try and get that somewhere. I am curious though, you mentioned antibacterial properties.. would aloe vera (without the laxative ingredients) work as the same? I only ask because I might recall someone saying that it is somewhat similar (might be mistaken).
Regarding probiotics.. what do you think of Natren healthy trinity? I have been taking jarrow but apparently FOS is a big no no for Klebsiella.