Re: New member, can anyone tell me how to clear food intolerances? New and many intolerances developed/ing.
"I am having meat only basically."
This sounds like the last thing the body needs, but I DO hear your anxiety and fear, and that you cannot tolerate much esle. The drugs will only cause you to continue to decline. Please think of contacting
Andreas Moritz . It sounds as though you are spending a lot of money on things that are not helping--I don't know what his rates are, but I am sure he can help you unwind this.
Sounds like the liver is very compromised. There is more to this picture than I think any doctor, naturopath or homeopth can help you with.
You need someone who can see *through* all the symptoms and appearances to other dimensions of this. I have a strong faith feeling
Andreas Moritz can help you.(he has an archived forum here: if yout read some of his R messges you'll get a sense of his gifts.)
all best wishes ,