oh wow that sucks but it's great that even in the middle of it you trust that it happened fora reason.
now you'll be closer to the rain fest I mean the childrens' festival.
interesting how we get to get a new insight into those emotional eating patterns when food is not an opption
I'm glad you thought befor you injured yourself iwth benny's oh benny's you should have put a warning with that message HA
I have a girl 4 almost 5 and a boy 2 ,3 in May.
I am on day 37 today I end the fast n valentines cute huh?
how old are your boys ?
my son hangs out with almost all girls because that's just the way it turned out
Maybe we'll see you let's see near down town... Dorthy Lam playground?
all the best and I wish you find a home that answers all your hearts needs
LOve DOlly