Re: soy-what about phytic acid?
alright sounds good, im checking you previous posts and you make some good points.
what about most soy traditionally being used in fermented or repeatedly (or sustained high temp) cooked form?
Most soy products are either cooked or fermented. Even soy nut butter is roasted and soy milk is cooked. And tofu products are fermented. I don't know of any raw soybean products off hand.
i do trust traditional medicine a good deal
does phytic acid impair enzyme activity or digestability of nutrients? if not then is the idea about sprouting or fermenting nuts, seeds and grains merely BS--i think not.
The sprouting is to inactivate enzyme inhibitors, not phytic acid. The phytic acid is a phosphorus source for the plant, and it is a mineral chelator.
again traditional cultures extensively use fermentation and less extensively sprouting, is it for other reasons of bioavailability that phytic acid is not subject of?
The fermentation destroys the goitergens in the plants as well.
several medical/nutritional papers have been writen about whole grains and how they may be worse then processed empty grain flours because of their phytate content
I disagree. They are still overlooking the facts that the phytic acid will already be bound to minerals. In order to take other minerals or metals from the body it would have to give up what it is bound to already. So it is not really robbing the body. Secondly the phytic acid has a higher affinity for minerals and metals that are dangerous in low levels that minerals that are beneficial. Therefore phytic acid helps to protect us from heavy metals, excess iron, etc.
i dont think a grain diet was a very beneficial thing for the health of human bodies. but again is this for reasons other than phytate...or in your opinion is phytate an across the board okay thing to consume regularly?
Yes it has its benefits. We can make arguments against any food. Is meat really good when it can cause an overload of uric acid, damage the kidneys, put a strain on the liver,...........?