Thanks for your answer, ladylove. I have came to the conclusion that the cayenne pepper tincture caused swelling inside the ear. The swelling may have cause the Eustachian tube to swell up and not be able to open and close. I'm now to the point where I don't have the spinning anymore but I still have a bit of dizzyness or unsteadiness. I can drive a car with caution but it is like I haven't slept in 2 or 3 days, that kind of dizzyness.
I just wonder how long does it take to recover from a cayenne pepper-induced dizzyness? I kick myself so many times for doing such a thing as putting it inside my ear. I just never knew.
I've started today taking a Arnica homeopathic pill (30x). I've read that it is good for vertigo and inflammation so I'm hoping, and hoping that it would take care of the problem in several days.