Re: Background
I will answer your questions you have for me.
I am not targeting you. I see that your forum is moving up in popularity and the forum name jumps out. I read the subtitle of the forum and it immediately raised the question as why does this forum owner feel they can explain the myths and facts of alternative medicine and why does the forum owner feel that they have the truth. To me those are huge statements! If you saw that on another forum or website, wouldnt you want to know why they feel this way? The other forums do not have these statements. They simply have ask _____. So its their theory on things.
I havent had to specifically ask the other forum owners because i was able to learn basically what there background was by following their forum. Whether it be formal education, old books, self education, mentors, clinical experience, trial and error, etc.
You make it seem like verifying information is easy. I dont trust most medical journals so i dont use them. There is a contradictory theory on nearly everything in the healthcare world. For example fruitarian diet vs primal diet; high cholesterol vs low cholesterol; alkaline body vs acidic body; They all seem to have data to backup their claims. So its very hard to verify claims. It seems personal experience is best.
To keep your background private in fear that others will use it against you is a poor excuse. let them if they choose. It shouldnt take away from your messages, especially if it is truth.
Yes healing does involve personal responsibility.