I really do not understand why moreless has been brought up repeatedly from this simple question. I also go to Dr. Sutter and Barefoots forum. Why weren't they brought up. Moreless has an active forum and many post there. Does that automatically raise suspicion here? Seriously there is something wrong with that.
I do not understand how stating some of your background can be harmful. I am not interested in who you are or any specifics. Im interested to know why you feel you can explain the myths and facts of alternative medicine. That is a huge claim! Plus to name of the forum itself "The Turth in Medicine" is quite a statement. Can you explain why you feel you have this truth.
Please dont try and turn it around and bring others like moreless into this. That is absolutely ridiculous. Posting on his forum does not make me a follower of his teachings. I try to understand and learn from many different healing modalities.
I ask a simple question here, and instead of getting any kind of satisfactory answer I instead get categorized and judged. Sad. Dont worry I will no longer post on your forum. There is no truth here for me.