Re: Trapper - Two creations?
I often felt this deep inside. I have seen some strange things that haunt me and I have to really pray to understand why I get to get this wierld A***** experience?
It's like I'm being observed to see how I react to the stuff...which is always naive.
Met people that I scratch my head where do they get that info and how do they use it so naturally?
No effort given to do what they do.People are just as strange as the super humans I believe.
All keeps me in deep prayer. There is never a quiet moment or boring day.
What I keep reading and learning has made me upset to no end. I wonder if it is possible that scientist can do this.
Then 5 months later I read how it was made possible to do it. That really upsets me to no end.
Sometimes I don't like is too evil thing to do to humans...first I experience shock unbelief denial then I get madd and want to find a way to fix it.
Anyone else going thru this... The Science of MadMen...don't want to name them ...