Re: Trapper - Two creations?
we have more than that, we have the fossil record. we have neandertal DNA. it is a fact that these were two separate species living on the earth at the same time. neadertals are the first creation. they were only told to be fruitful and multiply. they also were created differently. they were created to integrally exist on the planet as all the other animals. i believe they were heartier and more intelligent.
when the sons of god(adam) and the daughters of men(neandertals) cohabitated the result was giants. noah found grace in the eyes of the lord because he was perfect(complete, whole, intact) in his GENErationS. he and his family were genetically pure from any neandertal dna.
the bible says that the last days will be like in the days of noah - marrying and giving in marriage. this would indicate the possible return of neadertal. i believe this is scientifically feasible if not already possible. what do you want to bet they can only clone females??????
as with all scripture, it is internal and not about the external. however, parallels absolutely exist, some very much on purpose. words are powerful. we are effected by them more than anyone realizes. words made the universe.