Re: Kefir
HV do you recommend drinking kefir on a regular basis? Or do we treat it like a supplement and take as needed?
I use it more like a supplement. For long term I really prefer prebiotics since probiotics do not replace all the strains of flora. Prebiotics on the other hand stimulate the growth of all the flora strains. So they work better for the long term.
But if someone is having severe digestive issues, or are being exposed to molds, or fungus then they will benefit from being on both probiotics and prebiotics on a regular basis.
Lastly, I'm assuming that the B vitamins you recommend should be mostly from fruits and vegetables, as I don't prefer to take them from supplements.
Yes, I prefer natural sources first. These include rice and oart brans, watercress, seaweeds, nutritional yeast, pollen, and nettle leaf. If people are going to use a B supplement I recommend a B50 complex twice a day. B100 or B125 is a real waste of money.
I'm just trying to understand the necessary ingredients\nutrients to maxmize proper digestion. It's true that you can take the best herbs in the world, but if they are not being properly digested\assimilated into the body they will not be as effective.
Yes, if they are not being absorbed then they are just being expelled. Acid is required for the absorption of many nutrients. In particular minerals and vitamins B6, B12 and folate.
Sorry I had responded to user Rainey (For HV), but I think you missed my question.