Hypothalamus support?
I had an ND 2 years ago. I've moved away after 2 years of his support.
He tested and told me that my hypothalamus is weak. Also my adrenal cortex is weak. I believe him in this much. I've had a lot of stress since I was 3 (now 61). Then I had a 40 year career of high stress as well.
He said that I can support the adrenals with various supplements; but that won't help while the hypothalamus is weak. It is the master gland; and it is the one that gets all the others to communicate (or something like that).
His solution was not going to work. That is that I was to stay on a diet that would keep my morning urine on a high pH. Yes. I know. I don't believe it either. It did not work for 2 years. I'm done with diets anyway. I've done them all for enough time to know that they don't really help.
Along with coleus forskohlii and zinc, is their anything I can do to support the hypothalamus? Then I will deal with the adrenal cortex - whatever that is. I'll just deal with the adrenals.
No glandulars either. Already tried them several years ago.