Re: Herbs,pumpkin seeds and zinc.
But i'm not getting the zinc sublingually though if i use pumpkin seeds? I thought zinc needed acid?
There is an exception, and that is chelated minerals. Free minerals such as those we get from spring water and many supplements require acid to convert them in to more easily absorbed salts. Minerals from plants are naturally chelated, which basically means bound to amino acids. The amino acids act like a transporter and carry the minerals in to the blood where the minerals are then released. This is why we can eat calcium and magnesium rich plants and not adversely affect our stomach acid the way we would if we drank for instance calcium/magnesium carbonate from ground water.
"The main thing with nuts is the high calorie content. And some can have fungi. Especially peanuts, which are notorious for the fungus Aspergillus niger. A niger produces aflatoxins that damage the liver and can cause liver cancer in severely immune suppressed individuals."
That's worrying. My son eats lots of peanut butter. I buy the organic whole Earth one, but i'm assuming that makes no difference.
Nope, the fungus is in the soil. The good news is that aflatoxins are easily neutralized with vitamin C and aflatoxins don't pose any real threat to healthy individuals. So the easiest thing to do if he is going to eat peanut butter is to make sure he eats a vitamin C source, such as papaya, strawberries, or kiwis with it.
I don't generally eat peanuts unless i have the butter. Although i don't think i digest it well.
I don't pay high price for my goji berries either. I buy the plain bags, not a hyped up brand with mega price tag.
I got that info from forums ages ago. That you had to buy them from Brazil for them to contain Selenium. Alot of Brazil nuts are from elsewhere.
Brazil nuts are harvested from the wild in Bolivia, Brazil and Peru.
Selenium content even within Brazil can be vastly different:
This probably has a lot to do with the altitude that the trees grown at. Trees at higher altitudes would have access to fewer minerals as the rain water would leach the minerals out of the soil and carry them down to lower altitudes. The lapacho tree (pau d' arco) provides a good example of this. There are actually 3 different species used medicinally, purple lapacho, red lapacho, and pink lapacho. Their names come from the color of their flowers. Anyway, purple lapacho grows at much higher altitudes in nutrient poor soil. So it has adapted to getting its minerals through developing flowers that catch and digest insects to get its minerals.
I suffer a bit from vitiligo and Rosecea, which i've already mentioned, and doing some research today the same vits come up for these conditions to. B12, B6 Folic and biotin.Zinc etc Although some people think the B Vits aggravate Rosecea.
Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder so you need to focus on your adrenals there.
There are several hypotheses on the cause of rosacea. One is that it has a viral origin, though I have seen no strong evidence for this. The second is that low stomach acid is a primary contributor. I agree with this one a lot more since I have seen plenty of people respond positively to increasing their stomach acidity with bitters and supplements. And the B vitamins are still needed for stomach acid formation. Although the B6, B12 and folate are not like chelated minerals and still require stomach acid for absorption. You may want to get some raw apple cider vinegar to take with meals for a while until you can get your own acid production up. ACV is a good source of B vitamins, and the acid will help with digestion and absorption.
Well i'm sure the Rosecea and vitiligo is connected to the low acid. It will be interesting to see if i get any improvements in these condition with these B vits and increasing my Stomach acid.
Would i get enough C from the goji? Can't remember exactly why they are so good for me now lol
You will get some, but there are better sources such as papaya and kiwis. Lycii berries are antioxidant due to their high carotenoid content. They are also rich in immune stimulating polysaccharides. Speaking of which, I don't recommend rich polysaccharide sources with autoimmune disorders. These include aloe, echincea, medicinal mushrooms, and most seaweeds. So you may want to limit the lycii as well until you get your adrenals back up. Lycii is also excellent for the vision, liver and kidneys.