Re: emergency, please help? my period makes me violently ill!
Hi #109287,
Welcome to the forum! You have come to a place of caring, compassion, loving, and lets not forget natural healing. I can understand how this situation is freaking you out, I think I'd be the same way. In fact I was at one point in my life but you're already off to a better start than I was.
My periods were always hard to bear, very painful. Several years ago I started bleeding buckets full of clotted blood with every period. I couldn't leave the house and of course weakness comes along anytime you lose enough blood. This went on for several months all the while I'm wondering what was wrong with me. I didn't have a doctor, don't really believe in them. My precious grandmother was so worried about me she called her doctor and got a referral for a doctor. At the time NO doctors were taking on new patients so at the time I thought I was fortunate to be able to get a referral from a doctor or I would never have gotten in. By the time the appointment was made even with my aversion to doctors I was more than willing to go because I was freaked out and thought something was really wrong with me.
Trying to make a long story short it turned out that I had uterine fibroids and my doctor recommended a complete hysterectomy which I at that point was more than willing to have and I did have the complete hysterectomy in short order. Didn't know then what I know now or I would never have even gone to the doctor, I had "discerned" correctly thus my aversion to doctors but didn't listen to my spirit.
A couple of months ago I was referred to Unyquity and this great healing forum. I was having another small problem and didn't want to go to the doctor, hadn't been since I had the hysterectomy and that was many years ago. This is a small snippet of Unyquitys response to me when I told her about having the hysterectomy.
" So (I hate to be the one to tell you), but your entire surgery/hysterectomy could have likely been avoided by doing a thorough colon cleanse. I had PCOS, slight endometriosis and at 42, menopause (including 6-10 pounds of weight gain monthly, cramps that required 4 ibuprofen every 2-3 hours around the clock for almost 3 days, horrendous flow/clots and emotional swings that would make a rabid drill sargeant seem like Mary Poppins. One colon cleanse? TOTALLY GONE FOREVER."
Well to say I was shocked when I read this would be an understatement. Sometimes it takes a kick in the pants to get us on the right path and I'm sure on the right path now and there will be no turning back!
When I started reading through old posts while I was waiting for Uny to answer my question, a sense of peace came over me. I discerned I had arrived at the place I was supposed to be. I think everyone who is truly searching for a way to heal our bodies by natural methods have come to the same conclusion ha ha, hence the dreaded waiting period to get on the path to healing. Uny and her husband Rocky are walking a path God has put them on and they are doing it with grace, dignity, dilligence, humor, and well I could go on and on forever LOL but I won't. Just know that as soon as Uny gets to your post you will get the help you need. In the meantime it would help give you peace to do a search in this forum and see what Uny or Wings (Wings is taking some time out but she is wonderful and sorely missed) has said on the matter. I'm sure you'll find enough to keep you digging for more LOL. That's how it worked for me anyway. What Uny said to me above has to do with what your problem is and I'm sure you'll find more.
Just know that you are in the right place, take a deep breath to calm yourself, remember I've been in a situation like you are and I know how scary it can be, but knowledge is power so start reading through posts and Uny will be here with a solution to heal your body using natural herbs that God put on this earth in order for us to heal our bodies. There is no such thing as an incurable, just keep that in your mind while reading old posts, there is much knowledge to be gained by doing this.
My heart goes out to you in your time of unease, you'll be in my prayers. In this forum you'll discover we'll laugh with you, we'll cry with you, sometimes we'll give you tough love, and we'll also rejoice with you when you come out the other side with a healed cleansed body. I'm so excited for you and what you'll discover on the journey to healing. This forum will truly be a blessing to you.
In the meantime, hang in there you've got lots of people in your corner now. God bless you.