Re: emergency, please help? my period makes me violently ill!
Hi 109287 :-)
I've got another 2 cents for you...but my 2 cents will come
out of a different batch. :-)
I'm 62 years old and have seen it all. I've had the worst periods you can imagine...first 2 period days of any given month I couldn't even leave the house.
One thing I noticed was that you said what you are passing
is dark...if you mean kind of brown...that means 'old' blood.
"MY" advice to you...and it's the same I would do myself...
or advise our daughter or any of her friends to do...and I've followed and studied natural healing for 32 years.
But my advise would be to get checked out by a gynecologist
and THEN treat your problem naturally. It's going to be
a little difficult to treat...until you know 'what' you are
treating. Isn't that right?
So if I were you...I'd call right now and make an appointment and get checked out. Find out what's going on...and then come back here for advice on healing your
body naturally.
Did you say how old you are? I can't remember...
Our daughter is 35 and she has had problems on and off...
but when she does what I advise her to do...she just does
much better.
You sound way too sick to be piddling around with this.
I would explode if I thought our daughter was this sick
and not checking into the problem. :-) THEN you can heal
your body naturally. Keep us posted. kathryn