No MC. The source of most of my problems for over 40 had been an overgrowth of fungus. Not Candida. Candida can transform into fungus given the right circumstances. This was different. I think I've got it under control. Like Lyme's, it can hide. I guess that is the way with most parasites.
I feel for you though. I had a friend who resorted to an IV of antibacterial for a few weeks due to Lyme's disease. He did overcome it. He even came to work each day with the IV in his arm. That was nearly 20 years ago. He seems to be fine. I don't know what he did to get around any problems of that much antibacterial stuff.
It is amazing how long cansema lasts. I have a very old jar, with DMSO added, that still works. I do wish the paste were easier to spread though.