Re: Alpha Omega Labs
Whew! Well Vulcanel that individual certainly is opinionated to say the least. Funny, I don't see myself as a victim to Alpha Omega or any other entity. Yes I do know about the jailing of the owner blah blah blah. The almighty FDA and all their BS. What I also know is that 9 years ago their Cansema Black Salve product killed and removed a nice chunk of melanoma I had on my left cheek. The dermatologist wanted to take half my face off before I found Alpha Omega's product but I declined. Had I let the doctor have his way then I truly would have been a victim. That was 9 years ago and the only thing left from the sight of the melanoma is a barely perceivable little decavitation. I'd say that's a desirable exchange. Again that was MELANOMA. That's the deadliest one.
So whoever MH is he and his loud mouth can KMA. Now, having said that I am wondering why someone such as yourself (Vulcanel), clearly a strong proponent of
Iodine supplementation would post this retards diatribe on the
Iodine Supplementation Forum. To those who are still debating it's usefullness and/or safety MH's rantings may put them off. Don't you think?
Anyway I suppose that eventually I will make my own
Lugol's as in the long it will be much more practical and cost efficient. Till then I will continue with the Alpha Omega
Lugol's and probably die from it's toxity: )