Excuse my ignorance of your situation but does your condition have anything to do with Lyme? I have it now 3+ years and have just arrived at using iodine. I of course realize that Iodine itself won't eradicate the disease but through my research I now recognize how vital it is to have any hope of recovery. As for Alpha Omega as I stated earlier my only experience with them was beyond positive as their Cansema product proved effective. I just had no previous experience with Lugol's from them or anywhere and wanted to tap into the knowledge of this forum. You are right. The U.S. and FDA are trying to push these people around but they keep coming back. When I bought the Cansema when they were in the Bahamas. About 9 years ago. I still have some left in the jar.
Thank you to you jfh and everyone who responded to me. Having this disease can be a lonely trip sometimes and it helps to have you people for wisdom and support. Best of health to all.