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Re: Alkalinity of digestive system increases risk of nitrite poisoning
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Re: Alkalinity of digestive system increases risk of nitrite poisoning

 What a pity some people have to hide in their little rooms and pick pieces of others posts to ridicule. A fine example of this below, he has entirely missed the point of the post.

Hi Ya'll,

When will mankind Stop Rejecting his Creator God?


Moreless does this every day. He misleads and deceives people, he lies about people and twists what they say, he constantly bashes others then blames everything he does others, and he thinks he is smarter than God.

When will mankind start looking at the Creation God Designed and How Nature works without man's Damage to it?

Yet he denies that God designed our systems properly and tries to force the body to work the way Moreless wants it to work. God designed our bodies with MULTIPLE back ups to maintain a proper pH in our bodies. But Moreless thinks that God's design is flawed and that the body has to be forced in to an alkaline pH with synthetic chemicals. So Moreless is implying that he is smarter than God. I'll stick to trusting God, not Moreless since I know that Moreless is not smarter than a 5th grader let alone God!!! Trying to force the body in to an alkaline state with dangeorus, caustic chemicals is just flat out STUPID!!!

Maybe Man could learn a little something if we Stopped for a moment and observed Nature?

And where does Nature give us bags of caustic calcium hydroxide? Or acidic magnesium sulfate?

Here was a Quote I found Sad & Depressing for anyone believing this Lie, to say the Least:

"Sore or cramping muscles after a lot of physical activity is NORMAL, it is not a symptom of too much acid in the body."

Why did I find it Sad & Depressing?

Because it shows just How much Brain Fog some folks have!

ROTFLMAO!!! Again Moreless thinks he is smarter than God!!! Has Moreless stopped to think that God may have made it this way for a reason? Pain is normal as well, and it serves a purpose. What would happen if we could not feel any pain? We could seriously hurt ourselves and not know it. We could cut an artery and bleed to death before we even know what happened. We could cause further damage because we try to walk on a fracture because we are unaware the bone is broken. Like pain, cramping serves a purpose. It tells us to slow down because our lungs cannot supply enough oxygen to continue feeding our muscles and the rest of the body. I once heard that there is some type of race horse that will continue to run until they run themselves to death if not stopped. This is what would happen to us if it were not for this normal cramping. Again, like pain, cramping is a signal telling us something is wrong. So yes, it is a normal event and we can thank God for giving us this safety property.

Why is this?

Let us use some Common Sense and see what happens in Nature with Healthy Wild animals!

Consider what this person has stated: "Cramping is Normal"!!!!!!!!!

Cramping is normal. 

Normal does not mean 100% of the time though. It would be normal for my bones to break and there to be swelling if I dropped a large anvil on my foot. Don't tell me that you don't understand the concept of normal either Moreless?!!! Oh that's right, you only understand your made up scientific terms and concepts. Like nitrogen being protein and the release of electromagnetic energy by mixing an acid with an alkaline mineral. Unless you have redefined the term electromagnetic energy it is not happening unless you are using radioactive minerals!!!!

If this was True then all the animals in the Wild who are Healthy would have to lay down after running Hard to escape their Predators as their Muscles Cramp up!


More misleading statements. Have you ever heard of minor cramping. Apparently you haven't so let me explain it. This is cramping that is so light that it does not incapacitate a person. Instead it acts as a warning again to slow down. On the other hand, according to your bogus hypothesis cramping is caused from acid. And you also falsely claimed that exercising hard generates lactic acid. Actually it is lactate, not lactic acid. But either way, if acid caused the muscles to cramp as you have claimed then the lactic acid you claimed is formed would cause the muscles to cramp to the point that one could not run. So animals in the wild would have to lay down after running hard to escape their predators as their muscles would be so cramped from all the lactic acid contacting their muscles. Especially carnivores who don't get all those alkaline minerals from plants or Moreless' caustic calcium drink!!! So once again you are contradicting yourself.

If this Ridiculous statement was True, then every healthy animal would get eaten by their Predator after getting Muscle Cramps, that Caused them to have to lay down and Recover!


You mean recovering from those muscle cramps caused by the lactic acid that you said is formed and causes the muscle cramping? See above.

How insane is this idea?

I agree, your pseudoscience is very insane. And you keep contradicting yourself with your made up science.

Muscles may Only get Cramps and Charlie Horses when they run out of Calcium and become too Acidic and because of a Lack of Magnesium to remove the Nitrogen Waste!

ROFLMAO!!!!! Muscles cannot even contract without calcium. Learn some basic physiology!!!!! And again how can we run when our muscles would cramp up so bad from the lactic acid that you falsely claim is produced? Furthermore, I also explained that magnesium does not remove ammonia, which is the nitrogen waste of protein breakdown. It is converted in to uric acid by combining with carbon dioxide. NO magnesium involved. Again learn some basic physiology!

Yet, it is Sad that we can lead a Horse to water, but cannot Force it to drink!

Translation: You can supply all the evidence in the world to Moreless that his bogus claims are wrong and he still will not learn the truth. After all he thinks he is smarter than God.

This is an incredibly arrogant and narcissistic response,


I totally agree. If Moreless was even 100th as smart as he thinks he is then he would have multiple Nobel Prizes because his made up science conflicts with everything known about real science and that is known by scientists worldwide.





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