Re: Alkalinity of digestive system increases risk of nitrite poisoning
Absolutly true , I also find that many people use the sledge hammer approach for what is a flyswatter problem, using vast amounts of particular supplements to cure what is in fact a natural bodily process. The 'if a little works well, a lot will work better' approach is particularly dangerous. I like to 'listen' to my body to get an idea of what it needs. For example: I was having problems with my blood
Sugar levels and my insulin production was greater than my body needed. I cut out all refined sugars and simple carbs from my diet, my blood
Sugar levels and insulin levels returned to normal. During this process I craved nuts,(walnuts and brazil nuts) , seeds and green leafy vegetables, so I ate more of them. This was my bodies way of saying, I need more of the minerals that come from these foods.
This may seem a simplistic approach, ( I do understand the
Science behind what resulted), but often listening to what your body needs actually works. If we are feeling unwell our body is giving us the signals that we need to address an excess or difficiency. That excess may not be physical, but an excess of stress in our lives, that needs to be addressed, before the physical symptoms of this can be remedied. The physical and psychological are not sealed units, the physical effects the psycholoical and visa versa. IMHO this is why allopathic medicine fails much of the time.