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Re: Alkalinity of digestive system increases risk of nitrite poisoning
spudlydoo Views: 2,006
Published: 16 y
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Re: Alkalinity of digestive system increases risk of nitrite poisoning

Thank you Hv for providing some sanity in this whole Ph debate, I hope you have gotten through to some of the people that are puting their bodies through some dangerous activities by trying to be constantly alkaline.

The acidity or alkalinity of the human body is in constant flux, depending on your diet and state of health. There are days, where my body will be in a transient acidic state, other days it may be in a transient alkaline state, this depends on what I eat and drink. The numbers are really not that important, unless you have a chronic problem with low stomach acid, which interferes with digestion. I'm not going to go into all the chemistry of this, it is complex, but the basic theme for humans as well as in nature is that nature seeks balance. Given good nutrition the human body will find its own optimum Ph level. IMHO we as humans, should be looking to provide our bodies with the best nutrition we can possibly manage in our own individual circumstances.

In my life and work , I have noticed that the healthiest and most long lived people, are the ones that worry least, do the best they can manage in regards to nutrition, and never do anything to excess.

As for muscle cramps, if I have sore muscles after doing strenuous activity, I apply magnesium chloride topically, and rest, cramping muscles are the bodies way of telling you that you overdid things, and to take it easy for a while. Sore or cramping muscles after a lot of physical activity is NORMAL, it is not a symptom of too much acid in the body.



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