I really wish you would not post here. You were threatening me a while back because I posted about the dangers of megadosing with vitamin C. Then I posted about the dangers of cesium chloride, which you also promote. And based on your first sentence it looks like you are here to be disruptive.
Actually, most of your posts seems like unrelated rambling. But I will address some of it then anything else you want to add you can take to the debate boards.
Yes, magnesium is an antagonist to calcium. But at the same time calcium causes muscles to contract. I have posted all sorts of information backing this up, so go look at it. And yes, low calcium can also cause muscle cramping. Then again so can excess calcium, which explains why so many of Moreless' followers complaining of muscle cramping reported feeling better after taking more magnesium. If high calcium relaxes muscles then why were they getting muscle cramps from drinking the calcium hydroxide drink?
While you are trying to figure that out also look up the role of the parathyroid glands and thyroid to see how the body regulates its serum calcium levels. And speaking of which, why do you suppose that hyperparathyroidism leads to muscle twitching and high blood pressure? Both of these are from the contraction of muscles by calcium. And how do you think rigormortis forms?