Happy 4th!!!!!
I live in Bellingham, WA and we're hitting records here today with 82 degrees.:) Thanks for sharing about your tingles....I can't believe your wearing compression hose. I had worn those the last 2 months of my pregnancy due to spider veins and circulation. :( Does it help? I went to a natural healing/nutrition/Chiro yesterday and had my initial exam for an hour and half. I had all my tests and MRI's sent and the three docs will come up with a plan for me. I meet with them Monday at 4:00 to go over more tests they performed in the office as well as my prior ones. I will let you know what they say. I hope I can pass on some helpful info.:))) I feel like I should call them "The last Resort DOCs" if you know what I mean?? Thankfully they take my insurance.
PS. Do any of you get a little weakness in your arms, legs or one side of your body that comes and goes??
I'm just so glad we all have the "M" out of us!!!
:) Lisa:)