I understand your frustration, Marci. I think a key consideration is that regardless of what you have taken in the past or are taking now, what Dr. Ken and myself are saying is to stop virtually ALL of it and proceed according to the game plan he will lay out of first cleansing, then rebuilding the gut, following the dietary suggestions including fasting (and he may want you to begin with a diet of ONLY goats milk and key supplements), boosting the immune system and then seeing where you are and making specific suggestions for what problems may remain.
You have certainly tried many things (perhaps even too many things) - but that does not mean you have tried the right sequence or combination that will work for you. Sometimes those are key elements of solving a perplexing health puzzle, and sometimes less can be more. Just remember, it is NOT the will of the Big Guy in the Sky for you to live a shortened and unhealthy life.