Re: can i save my diabetic mom's vision??
The link below is about b1 in a synthetic form (synthetic form of vitamin B1,Benfotiamine)…But my feelings ?why go for the synthetic ONLY ..? We we can get the real b1.... from out food…right now I’m starting, doing sprouting ( I’ll post on my sprouting results in a few weeks …very good so far) but ..there are foods that we can eat and get results, domino effect within.
Check out the post from a few weeks ago (in this forum) about we, diabetics, because of higher urine output, squander away out nutrition via peeing them out… and become highly depleted, washed out (literally). Now… concede this repeated fact over weeks or months or even years…and you get the picture…the body is not growing, replacing healthy building materials, nutrition which is needed for good healthy growth. So it would take some time to get the healthy rebuilding in place for the total re growth…perhaps yearss ( as it took years to get the bad health) ..that’s where patience comes into our working, controlling daily todosss. ..any way…get her some b1.… and other water soluble vitamins into her systems…daily…. Cause she is/could be…out of them-serverly for years???… best see the doctors for the overall …to ones health…in the good old usa….
Choices….choices…personal choices…the old saying... you can lead a horse to water…but you can’t make a horse drink…. Seems personal motivation is much needed to make stuff work…work well… I have this problems with a parent as well…we do the best we can…doing always good. You, #109287, have a noble HEART FOR ANOTHER, …prayers for your soul to be blessed in your gallant comings and goings with that inner peace in your daily walk, lucidhunt