I can totally relate! I'm 22 years old, and I'm in bed, doing a liver clease that is suppose to help (we'll see) I'm allergic to A LOT of foods, too. Most people ask me: Well what CAN you eat. And I answer: EXACTLY! It's crazy. Today I became allergic to beef! lol So the only meat left is chicken a couple fishes if my liver cleanse doesn't help take my allergies away. And I can't afford fish! lol I have to buy ALL of my groceries at either Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. I'm dealing with malnurishment and malabsorbtion issues, and right now, my throat still hasn't gone back to normal from 12 hours ago when I was eating beef. It's crazy! My esophagus strictures to certain smells including shampoos and conditioners. I'd like to know how to heal all of this, stay nurished, and get coverage from my medical insurance- who doesn't cover "natural medicine."