Hello there. sounds as though you are suffering much and I am sorry you are having such an awful time. You are so young to have such big problems, it seems. But you have much of your life yet to be lived and I know there is an answer, a way beyond
I have been plagued with health problems all of my 62 years. I have tried, until recently, to do anything I could to take me out of the discomfort in my body or mind. I just wanted to 'get out' of my body when in reality what I needed to do was go within and that is what I have done. I began to get quiet and meditate. I've had a major shift in my thinking and doing that now benefit me rather than harm. What I have learned is that I have an intolerance to glutens and as is its tendency, grows more harmful as time goes on.
Science is finding that gluten intolerance is caused by stress, yes, stress, so it would behoove us to look at what is causing stress in our lives.
What stresses me the most are negative emotions. I can feel an uncomfortable physical effect occur in my gut when unpleasant, deep seated thoughts 'come up'. The negative feelings 'come up' when I have disappointed myself or fear that I may have let someone else down. I have carried this awful feeling, about me, in my gut since I can remember, a long time. Feelings that were instilled in me by the dysfunction in my family dynamic, not easy stuff to shake but it can and must be dealt with if we are to live the lives we want. To get our emotions in check would be a good place to start, so I started looking and found what follows.
"The cause of ALL negative emotion is a disruption in the body's energy system". You shove a screwdriver into the back of a normally working tv and you get 'zzzzzt'. You've got a disruption of the tv's energy, same with us. our energy systems have been disrupted over time, 'zzzzzt', and now creating illness and now it's time to clear our circuits. How? Not real sure because I've just started learning about EFT but feel I am onto something. Emotional Freedom Technique,
Western Medicine pays little attention to disruptions in our energy meridians nor does it give much weight to emotional causes. But we know better, huh. I know for sure now that I must 'clear my circuits' if I want to live. I have been slowly deteriorating over the past years and am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I have great hope for me and for you too. Please keep us posted on your journey
Please, my Fellow Journey Man, give yourself to a program of some kind to get your circuits cleared. I think acupuncture would help too but this EFT 'find' makes better sense to me with how my emotions, my energy disruption makes me sick. Time to close for now. Peace and blessings to you, my brother. Namaste', Andrea