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Undecylenic Acid, Silver Colloid, R-Lipoic Acid, Biotin, Kelp, Aloe Vera, Slippery Elm Bark, Enzymes, Ascorbic Acid, Pectin.
nordskoven Views: 8,858
Published: 16 y
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Undecylenic Acid, Silver Colloid, R-Lipoic Acid, Biotin, Kelp, Aloe Vera, Slippery Elm Bark, Enzymes, Ascorbic Acid, Pectin.

Take the powerful Candida killer, Undecylenic Acid, available off the internet, to clear up the Candida ASAP. Take Silver Colloid (ask at that forum for free donations of Silver Colloid if too expensive) to clean up residual bacterial overgrowth, please. Take R-Lipoic Acid to heal up the Leaky Gut caused by Candida rooting through the intestinal walls in conjunction with Biotin, which stops Candida proliferation. Take these supplements with Kelp and Aloe Vera to coat the gut. Take Slippery Elm Bark tablets [Thayer's] or introduce Slippery Elm powder into the diet as a nutrient and gut-soothing herb. Check out EnzyMatic's website quiz to see which enzymes you need. To quell the allergic reaction, take pure Ascorbic powder in minute amounts when most reactive, as when getting a headache or other symptomology.

Eat no sweets, sweet fruits or vegetables like peaches or corn. You may have bananas with a lactobacillus supplement. No yeast breads, sugars, or fake sugars, please, as fake sugars trigger the same chemical pathways we want to quell. Pectin, an apple constituent used to make jelly, can be introduced to purify the gut lining. Stay hydrated and be patient. Consider the "Cave Man" diet which is a low-allergen diet high in meat. If you're really serious, get the out-of-print book SELF-TEST NUTRITION GUIDE by Dr. Cass Igram and take the clinical presentation quizzes to pinpoint good foods to strengthen your weak system. Please know you are in my prayers and God bless!


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