hahahhaahahaha.....love the passion in ur message there....but yeah i agree with you...i dont see myself eating uncooked meat anytime soon...lmao....i dont eat meat fool stop coz they are hard on my stoma...
i was reading up on enzymes just beffore and i think i might give it a try...
well it cant get any worse...well lets hope it cant...lol
and to those of u who tryed it, can i get it from just like any health store?
what else i notice that i blout alot, i also have sinus infection which am going to oparate on on the end of the year and i have gerd.
what else i noticed that if i eat small proportions of food it gets so much better.Whats worst i find it hard to stop eating when i start....any encouraging words !?! it looks like a thought of not being 21 year old girl who does not smell is not encouragement enough for me theses days.