I must have admit I haven't really started yet. I got all my products in, but I have been really under the weather the past week. I've been fighting severe candida and my liver is suffering right now .. ! I am going to start the products soon. I still use a product called Purple Emu redness and blemish control on my face and my face is currently broken out.
BUT... I've been taking Epsom Salt baths every night because I was breaking out in rashes, and, surprisingly, that seems to be helping the demodex also a little. In addition, I applied some pond's cold cream to my arms the other night to moisturize them, and the next day, I broke out in hundreds of white bumps all over my arms. I thought it was hives at first, but I'm sure it's not now. I must have killed off a bunch of them! My arms look horrible, but I hope they heal soon!
I'll start my products soon and let you know how it goes!
Keep me updated!