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Re: JustinL:: are your referring to me?
Hveragerthi Views: 10,991
Published: 16 y
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Re: JustinL:: are your referring to me?

 I find it funny that hvergeti advises using some of the principals of acid/base pH balancing yet fails to understand it in its entirety! -Justin

What you don't understand Justin is that not all disease and disorders are caused from acidity. This is a myth promoted by quacks, and it has been disproven over and over. Don't believe me? Then tell all of us how acidity causes alkalosis. As we can see the acidity causes all diseases and disorders is complete garbage. The second thing you fail to understand is that the body RARELY becomes acidic (acidosis) because the body has SO MANY ways to balance its pH. The body must stay within a very narrow pH range to survive. Becoming too alkaline or too acidic will result in problems. So the body has redundant systems to deal with hyperacid or hyperalkaline conditions. Trying to force the body in to a hyperalkaline state is just plain stupid since it can neutralize beneficial body acids leading to a long list of problems. 



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